Two Sides of Chaos / by Alexander Lyadov

"Every startup is a disaster until it is not," entrepreneur and investor ​David Friedberg​ nailed it. It's hard to grasp for those accustomed to cushy conditions – that's most folks. They tackle familiar tasks by grabbing a handy tool off the shelf, that someone else thoughtfully bought for them.

To regular folks, the risk of "crazy" founders would become clearer only if every single day they face:

  • The impossibility of sharing responsibility with anyone.

  • The threat of unjust firing right before triumph.

  • The duty to solve never-seen-before problems.

  • Shame for betraying the trust of many.

  • Public humiliation labeled as "loser."

  • Loss of all personal funds.

No wonder startup founders often swing between ecstatic excitement and borderline paranoid anxiety. So much can go wrong. And it surely will.

Until success unexpectedly lands on one out of ten. Such a high cost and such low odds of victory. What drives them?

Some will say it's the thirst for wealth, control, and power. Others will point to a higher tolerance for risk. The rest will highlight a desire to leave a mark in history and improve people's lives.

I believe the explanation lies in Chaos. Like any phenomenon, it has two sides. The price of uncertainty is visible to the naked eye. But the proximity to catastrophe also completely unleashes human potential. Danger compels a person to reveal hidden or undiscovered abilities. Anything goes in a deadlock.

Thus, it's not the outcome (money, status, influence) but the entrepreneurial process itself that instantly bestows:

  • Participation in achieving the impossible.

  • Absolute freedom to be who you are.

  • Personally crafted meaning.

For founders, such gifts outweigh almost any sacrifice.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.