How Living Systems Self-Destruct / by Alexander Lyadov

When do countries, companies, or individuals prosper?

They thrive when nothing stands in the way of the free creators.

Their work adds floors and renovates the foundation.

Unfortunately, people often trample the source of the "water of life".

They produce an excess of laws and rules that constrain the creator.

But why?

  1. They are driven by the fear of losing what they already have.

  2. Their arrogant mind thinks it knows everything.

  3. They seek control over the process of creating 1 from 0.

One day, the creator wakes up, unable to move a hand or a foot. Overnight, Lilliputians entangled Gulliver with a million threads.

From this moment, such a "system" will break, wither, and decay.

For a state, this period may take 69 years, as with the USSR. Due to competition, these businesses collapse within a few years. A person drags through existence, filling the emptiness inside with alcohol.

What can be done to prevent this undesirable scenario?

To begin with, analyze the collection of laws and rules.

Then, identify destructive rules and eradicate them.

Finally, repeat this exercise regularly as a ritual.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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