The Vitality of Paradox / by Alexander Lyadov

The most challenging problems have paradoxical solutions. Otherwise, someone would have long found the key to the lock.

A paradoxical solution contradicts everything known:

  • common opinions,

  • scientific positions,

  • common sense.

“Παράδοξος” (ancient greek) means “unexpected, strange,” from “παρα” (against) and “δόξα” (assumption). The last word is crucial.

We forget that our worldview is a set of assumptions. Some are explicit, but most have the nature of axioms. We unknowingly absorbed them with the milk of the culture in which we grew up.

One day, reality and our model of it clash. Have you ever traveled with a GPS navigator in a foreign country? If so, you might recall the bewilderment when the program once demanded that you drive straight into an abyss.

It turns out the solution may be right under our nose, but we don't see it because, in our universe, it simply cannot exist by default.

Most often, you need to adjust a couple of hidden assumptions. The veil falls immediately, and the number of your options instantly expands.

But sometimes an individual, organization, or nation denies reality for too long, clinging to a set of false ideologies. Here healing comes through a hard-earned choice: illusions or life.

This explains the exultation when a shift finally happens. The paradoxical solution opens the door to the energy to live and create. Conflict disappears. Now you and reality are in sync.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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