The Savior is You / by Alexander Lyadov

Be honest: No one’s gonna save you or your business.

If someone says otherwise, know they’re lying to you.

Why? Problems don’t just pop out of nowhere.

A long chain of decisions brought you exactly where you are.

In other words, it ain’t bad luck that’s got you stuck right now.

Sounds gloomy? Not at all:

  1. In the world, no one cares about the outcome as much as you do.

  2. You’ve tried a bunch of ways, you know the problem inside out.

  3. You’ll damn well know when you stumble upon the answer.

So, you’ve been carrying the solution within you for a while, but in an implicit form.

You gotta make explicit what’s already there, in fact.

In chemistry, when all the reagents are ready, you add a catalyst.

It sharply speeds up what would’ve happened slowely on its own.

So, ditch the hope for a savior with a magical fix. Instead say:

“I’m looking for something to push my Process forward.”

Many things can act as a catalyst:

  • insight,

  • escalation,

  • a change in context,

  • deep self-reflection,

  • a successful analogy,

  • an unusual experience,

  • or a sherpa, a guide for those who climb high.

Sincerely yours,


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