The Paradox of Importance / by Alexander Lyadov

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It is believed that a goal can only be achieved if one desires it strongly enough. And immediately there is an explanation for failure: 'You just didn't want it enough.'

But, for example, in negotiations the opposite is true - the one who is least attached to the outcome wins. After all, it is impossible to seduce or intimidate someone who can easily get up from the table and walk away without any regrets.

Sometimes entrepreneurs harm themselves by attaching too much importance to a big contract with a new client or getting investment from a PE or VC fund. Their excessive anxiety and despair make the other side tense up, increase the distance, and eventually wave their hand goodbye.

On the contrary, the deal is closed more easily and quickly when the founder exudes a cool, lazy interest in any outcome. Therefore, experienced entrepreneurs do their homework before the deal to achieve a paradoxical state where the important goal exists but the importance of it doesn't.

As the heroine of the novel Shantaram wisely said: "The real trick in life is to want nothing, and to succeed in getting it."

Yours sincerely,


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