The ROI of Failure / by Alexander Lyadov

Do you want each of your analysis, decision, and step to be wise?

I really want to, but unfortunately, I regularly stumble and fall face down in the mud. Working with entrepreneurs, I observe how often they also make mistakes despite their business success and the image of being fate's favorites. The only way to eliminate a misstep is to close the system. When all parameters are under control, perfection is achievable. However, the world changes chaotically like the rainbow spots of gasoline in a puddle. Furthermore, our actions themselves have the effect of a billiard ball breaking the environment (Hello, ChatGPT).

Locking ourselves in an ivory tower, our mind is simply unable to predict what the ricochet will be - there are too many balls. Naive people flee to a land of fantasy from this fact. Psychopaths try to forcibly bend the world and people to their ideal. Only a mature person accepts mistakes as a given, taming them just as our ancestor turned a wolf into a dog 15,000 years ago.

Wise founders act paradoxically - they make mistakes hundreds of times more often. But firstly, they do so consciously, secondly, on their own terms, and thirdly, they minimize the negative effect. For them, a mistake is an affordable investment with a fantastically high ROI. And even if there is a threat of catastrophe, they react instantly, mitigating the harmful consequences, or even turning poison into medicine. As the British Prime Minister said to Queen Elizabeth II in the series "The Crown": "We do what we have to do as leaders. Our job is to calm more crises than we create."

Yours sincerely,


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