Aggression in Business Partnerships / by Alexander Lyadov

Do you feel increasingly irritated by your co-founder's actions?

But you remain silent, even though anger is building up inside you.

"It's OK. Things will work out somehow," you whisper to yourself.

Remember: Aggression is the energy of defending your boundaries.

If it can't find a target, it will attack you, like a domesticated wolf.

Ultimately, everyone will suffer, including your health, family, and kids.

All because you are strictly forbidden to "bite" your business partner.

What is it? Why? Where did their sacred status come from?

You may have unknowingly created a halo over your partner's head.

Something about this person or partnership is very valuable to you.

For example, you're convinced your business won't survive without him or her.

There may be many reasons, but the outcome is the same: you are backed into a corner.

That's why typical solutions like "just talk it out" are not very helpful.

Increasing your degrees of freedom should be your top priority now.

Only when you are both strong can you have a constructive dialogue.

Yours sincerely,


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