Breaking the Spell: How to Solve Your Chronic Business Problems / by Alexander Lyadov

If a serious problem is not being solved, one has to endure it, right? Moreover, in order to accommodate it, one must change his (or her) lifestyle. Various lubricants, crutches, and services are acquired to either eliminate or at least alleviate the negative symptoms. Eventually, the daily ritual of applying creams, spending on medication, and limiting mobility become the norm, and no one even thinks about changing the status quo.

If the "patient" has locked himself in a cluster, for example, by communicating with a limited circle of people, the situation worsens and the person remains marinating for years in his own misconceptions. The only chance to wake up from this obsession is to emerge from the cocoon into the light. Thus, on a domestic level, when inviting guests over, the hosts suddenly realize with horror the mess in their own home.

External shock can also awaken a person from their carefully built but fragile coping mechanisms and habits around a chronic problem. In desperation, one has to look for quick hacks, resorting to unimaginable things, burning nerves, and paying huge amounts of cash.

Interestingly, the dynamics described above are the same for individuals, communities, and companies. If we do not prefer the sobering effect of fate's bite, the only ecological way to break the spell is to receive a sober, honest, and independent answer from outside to the question, "Why is my hateful problem so strangely stubborn?" But first, there must be the realization, "What is wrong with my business? I honestly don't know what to do."

Yours sincerely,


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