The Outfit / by Alexander Lyadov

If you haven't seen the movie "Outfit" yet, I envy you.

Accidentally turning it on, I couldn't tear myself away. A few times, I thought I had it all figured out. But the storyteller would suddenly shift the perspective, and everything would appear in a new light.

Besides, the movie offered a business insight. The quote below from the film illustrates the stance that any Master of their Craft should take.

The gist of it is, even though clients come to you with a problem and pay money, you're accountable not to them but to those above you.

Call it conscience, professional integrity, or God. Thanks to an inner impulse, you do not what the client may want, but what the situation here and now demands.

Some years ago, a customer comes into my shop with a suit, not one of mine.

The customer says, “The jacket, it's too big”. It is.

“The problem”, I say, “is the shoulders”.

But the customer says, no, he likes the shoulders. The problem is the sleeves.

We go back and forth.

Finally, the customer says, “It's my money, and I'm telling you, cut the sleeves”.

So, what do I do?

I say: “Yes, sir”, and then I cut the shoulders.

The customer, he comes back, tries on his new suit.

“It's perfect, he says. “That's exactly what I asked for”.

Sincerely yours,


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