Jumping Into the Void / by Alexander Lyadov

Changes always come with discomfort, confusion, and pain.

That's why a chain of small, steady changes is ideal.

But sometimes life pushes us to the edge of our familiar world.

Ahead looms a frightening uncertainty.

You realize the real risk of crashing or losing your mind.

For love or money, no one can do it for you.

You must take the leap into the void personally.

That's when the miracle happens in mid-air — metamorphosis.

You jump as one person, but land as someone else.


The context, scale, and significance of the leap vary for each of us.

But there's a common rule to avoid unnecessary suffering on the edge.

You need to quickly find your own meaning on the other side.

The kind of meaning that redeems everything you'll be facing.

Sincerely yours,


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