Time to Be Yourself / by Alexander Lyadov

They say: There's no point in therapy, coaching, or mentoring.

Like, business partners, spouses, and friends will offer any help you need.

Sure, mutual support acts like an insurance policy. You help them, they help you. It's unlikely that everyone around you will fall into depression or go broke at the same time.

You could also argue whether a coach has enough experience to give you the best advice. After all, with some effort, you can find an expert for any question. But there are reasons I've been seeing a therapist for 5 years.

I know for sure that this hour will be entirely devoted to me. Focusing on the other person, forgetting about yourself—it's a rare skill most of our acquaintances don't have. I've studied it myself for a few years, so I know.

Moreover, each session has explicit settings. Motivation, roles, and responsibilities for each of us are clarified. For example, I don't have to worry about whether I owe something for insights or whether it's convenient to bring up a problem again.

And I love that during this hour, I can be myself. It's possible only when, on one hand, you're not afraid to open up and become completely vulnerable. And on the other hand, you're not afraid to shatter the interlocutor with the "horrors" you carry inside.

Imagine this: on top of everything I've mentioned, you also sense genuine interest and warmth from the therapist. This experience alone has the power to transform you.

Do you have someone to share with what you can't tell anyone else?

By the way, which of the three illustrations do you think is the best?

Sincerely yours,


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”Who are you and what do you do?"
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

"I have an important business decision to make. Can you help me?
Reserve a time on my calendar that is convenient for you to meet with me. We'll clarify your request and discuss options for how you can help.