The Insanity of Genius / by Alexander Lyadov

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in ‘t.

These words from Shakespeare's "Hamlet" resonate with every entrepreneur.

Distinguishing genius from insanity is only possible with time. But until then, the founder's actions may appear to be business suicide.

After all, to create something, one must first destroy something. It requires breaking the mold of thinking within others and oneself.

If the changes are substantial, it feels like a Great Flood. Chaos is an existential threat to the mind, so the source of chaos must be suppressed at any cost.

A disturber of order is labeled a fool or a madman, allowing the life of the community to flow in its usual course. Solitude, incomprehension, and condemnation are the price an entrepreneur must pay for the right to think and create beyond limitations.

When an innovative idea proves successful, the mockers quickly switch their stance from negative to positive. They will attempt to elevate yesterday's "idiot" to the realm of saints.

Founders have a heightened sensitivity to the market's current problem and firmly believe that there is a way to solve it. It's not knowledge, as there is no explicit evidence, but it's not blind faith either because, within themselves, at a visceral level, the solution undeniably exists.

The only thing that prevents entrepreneurs from going mad amidst these contradictions is daily observation of how, through their actions, an empty zero transforms into a fertile one.

Yours sincerely,


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