The Double-Edged Sword / by Alexander Lyadov

Every founder and CEO needs to know their superpower.

However, when asked, "Why?" you probably gave the wrong answer.

The first thought is natural: "So I can be more productive."

Sure, it makes sense for an eagle to fly in the sky rather than crawl on the ground.

Personality design determines what comes naturally to us.

But knowing your superpower is important because it is very dangerous for you.

You'll be surprised: "How so? Isn't it a positive part of me?"

The thing is, every phenomenon carries both a positive and a negative sign.

Trying to amplify one polarity activates the other.

Thus, a founder who is open to new ideas risks flying off into space.

A cautious investor ends up with a portfolio of companies with no upside.

And an autonomous CEO eventually hits a glass ceiling.

Therefore, your primary task is to protect yourself from yourself.

It's about balancing the excess/deficiency that a superpower inevitably creates.

Only then a systemic business reinvents itself in time.

The desire for novelty is compensated by a resource that preserves order.

The kite of vision maintains a strong connection with the operational earth.

Yours sincerely,


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