The Impulse To Live And Create / by Alexander Lyadov

I regularly meet founders who are puzzled by a strange problem. Their businesses are stable, their health and family life are in order, but something essential is missing. They even feel awkward describing their issue because, because it seems that it is a sin to complain.

These entrepreneurs change hobbies, dabble in the stock market, attend business clubs, and so on. For a while, this entertains them. However, in the basements of their souls, the truth flickers like neon: "It's not that."

Their plane isn't flying; it's just hovering inertially. Why? The engine is silent; there's no spark in it.

The energy of life, vitality, mana, chi, or prana has disappeared.

I prefer a more practical term: curiosity.

It provides you with direction, signs, and support on your journey.

But remove it, and the most rapid growth will come to a halt.

Because without curiosity, a person doesn't live, they merely exist.

Fortunately, this power cannot be lost. At any moment, you can rediscover it within yourself. Confusing curiosity with anything else is impossible. By following it, personal meaning inevitably grows.

Sincerely yours,


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