Eagle's Vision / by Alexander Lyadov

A true entrepreneur has what I call the eagle's vision.

It's the ability to soar above the bustling currents of your life.

I'm talking about freeing yourself from your current beliefs. Thank them, for they aided in survival and achieving all that he (or she) has now. But at the same time, some of these beliefs hinder the founder from leveling up in the business game. This sets up an internal conflict. You must part ways with what you cannot let go of. Some people remain in this struggle for years. This state infects the company. As a result, it neither crumbles nor grows. It's stagnation, like still water, if we translate from Latin, "stagnum."

The solution is to take a quantum leap, not in the physical world, but within your own mind first. In other words, imagine your microcosm with no current restrictions at all. It sounds simple, but in my observation, very few can execute this "dead loop" on their own. Beliefs keep a person tied to the mundane earth like a kite to a nylon string.

That's why one of my goals in business therapy is to help founders swiftly spread their wings and reach the heights they've long desired. Even though it's just a mental exercise, when founders return to the ground, they've transformed. Now, they have an answer to the question: 'What for?' New ideas flow naturally, and their desire to bring them to life grows stronger.

Sincerely yours,


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As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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