The Gift of Light / by Alexander Lyadov

The way an insight is gained matters greatly. It determines how deeply and quickly it enters our lives.

More often than not, insights come through the intellect. We read a book, watch a movie, or listen to a podcast. Suddenly, we’re struck by someone’s Wow-idea, and it helps us make sense of so much.

Much more rarely, insight bypasses the mind and hits us straight through the body. We feel something that captures and carries us somewhere, taking our whole being with it. Meanwhile, the shocked mind remains in the passenger seat.

An insight is a sudden solution to a problem that has been haunting us for a long time. But what is the insight of all insights — the solution to the problem of all problems?

It's a mystical experience, a meeting with a higher reality, a grasp of meta-truth, a plunge into the source of harmony, peace, and love.

Such an experience is profoundly convincing. The knowledge you gain is not just a toy for the intellect; it becomes a fundamental part of you. Though your neural pathways may take time to rewire, you are already transformed.

People have always sought ways to trigger mystical states: meditation, prayer, music, dance, sex, psychedelics, or fasting. But sometimes, it happens beyond our control, in the most ordinary moments or even in a dream.

This unearned gift reminds us that in the darkness, there is light.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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