Your Two Worlds / by Alexander Lyadov

There are two worlds — the one we know and the one we don’t. Both the mystic and the materialist have to admit this. Look around — here, every corner is lit with the light of knowledge, while over there, pitch-black darkness reigns.

The weaker and more vulnerable we are, the more the first world draws us in. Pain and fear make us curl up in a familiar burrow, coiling tight like a ball. When survival is the only goal, nothing else matters.

But once the wounds of the body or soul have healed and our energy rises, the cozy shell starts to feel more like an ancient sarcophagus. What once saved us now threatens to smother us.

Inside, a mysterious urge grows — a desire to break free into the other world. It’s strange because there is no understanding of it at all. But the temptation is strong. The new can reward the brave beyond measure. Or kill him if he acts carelessly.

Each of these worlds has a bright side and a dark side.

It all comes down to our awareness, skills, and resources.

Sometimes we need to lean on one, and other times on the other.

The ideal is to stand with both feet in different worlds at once.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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