The Clue Train / by Alexander Lyadov

In 1999 The Cluetrain Manifesto was published, describing the tectonic impact of the Internet on marketing in the future. The title of the manifesto came from a quote from a veteran of a Fortune 500 firm that was in free fall at the time: “The clue train stopped there four times a day for ten years and they never took delivery.” The clue train is a delightful metaphor, isn’t it?

By and large, nothing in life just happens out of the blue. Any fundamental change begins to accumulate critical mass long before the decisive hour. The growth of a new phenomenon, even if quietly, causes a certain tension and discomfort in the environment. Therefore there are always harbingers of revolutionary change, but most people do not notice the clues. Why?

The main reason is pride and fear of the mind. By diligently drawing a map of the world for many years, the mind narcissistically falls in love with its product. So in the end it willingly substitutes a static map for a dynamic reality. Now there is no way to allow even a small crack in the familiar picture of the world. After all, if a tiny corner of the worldview is a lie, chances are that everything else is a mistake, too. It is a disgusting feeling, when the ground falls from under one’s feet, because it is impossible to live in the hell that is unfolding.

Still, the fact that the train with clues regularly comes inspires optimism. So, then the question is only in our skill to catch its specific smell, notice the smoke and hear the noise. It only takes a change of attitude of the mind. Then valuable parcels will reach the addressees, updating our map of the world in time, and, consequently, our life.

Sincerely yours,


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