Strength without injury / by Alexander Lyadov

One of the strongest climbers in history, Wolfgang Gullich, said: “Getting strong is easy, getting strong without getting injured is hard.” Intense development occurs at the edge of the zone of competence, when one undertakes ambitious experiments. But it is enough to lose focus or be careless for a moment, and a sprain, tear, or fracture occurs. The recovery period inevitably sets the athlete back, atrophying not only muscles and ligaments. Much worse, the previously knurled neural pathways become overgrown with weeds. Then you have to speed up your way to the master from a beginner again. This is how time is lost. Windows of opportunity are closed forever.

In addition, after serious injuries, functionality is not always fully restored. After all, the scar is different from the smooth and supple skin it was before the cut. Now there is another point of vulnerability on the body, or in the brain. For example, when an athlete subconsciously takes care of a previously dislocated arm and does not risk going for a record. By the way, old age can be considered an excess of the consequences of all kinds of traumas - physical, psychological, mental - which result in such a super-vulnerability that it is simply impossible to live with.

Knowing all this, a seasoned athlete, especially one with a wise coach, arranges the training process so as to have rapid growth, but to make the risk fee feasible. Putting yourself to the point of vomiting at every workout is, of course, epic. But it’s not an option for someone who has an ambitious long-term goal. In fact, true mastery is not only about knowing a particular activity, but above all about the ability to avoid catastrophic injury. It is no coincidence that Warren Buffett reminds us, “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1”. He who has preserved capital (money, health, time) is able to earn income. As opposed to someone who doesn’t value what he has and ends up rightly left with nothing.

Sincerely yours,


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