Ideal trajectory / by Alexander Lyadov

Every action has a perfect trajectory when it is directed toward some goal. The criterion? Achieving the desired result with a resource expenditure tending toward zero. Deviation from the ideal trajectory is a sin because energy is wasted. It is as dangerous as a schooner going out to sea if there is a hole in the bottom.

However, only a professional, who knows by experience what it means to act on the edge when every joule counts, can appreciate such an insight. An uninformed layman is irritated by the “excessive” frugality and discipline of a professional. And a beginner carelessly warms up the atmosphere with his energy, not realizing in which areas it is necessary to push and in which to relax. Moreover, the baggage of past knowledge can be useless. Transferring assets from one area to another is not a quick or obvious process. For example, the endurance of a marathon runner is of little use in wrestling, and the strength of a javelin thrower in butterfly swimming. First we need to understand what is the optimal path, trampled by past generations of professionals.

What is the conclusion? First, in any new activity, immediately look for a medium of expertise to speed up the download. Second, keep the criterion in mind - ideally, energy consumption is close to zero. Third, be sure to be clear, this whole enterprise is for what purpose?

Yours sincerely,


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