The Choice / by Alexander Lyadov

When dealing with anything, you'll face a crucial choice. You can focus on either form or function. Both can bring you satisfaction, reward, and popularity. Yet, they hold completely different meanings.

Let's say your passion is bodybuilding. Here, the battle is all about size, definition, muscle symmetry, and balance. The goal is to impress judges with a flawless physique. Strength, endurance, and flexibility matter, but only to a certain extent. If something stimulates hypertrophy – great! If not – out! Another matter, if your aim is to win wrestling matches. You'll focus on studying strategies, mastering techniques, building psychological resilience, explosive power, and more. Muscle proportions and body aesthetics take a back seat. Don't believe it? Take a look at a wrestler's ears.

The same applies to content creation. One approach is to master tricks that captivate and hold readers' attention, keeping them engaged. The alternative is to learn how to express your thoughts in a clear way while still being true to yourself. The former aims to distract readers from their problems and entertain them. The latter invites readers to see things and themselves as they truly are.

Yours sincerely,


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