The Central Problem / by Alexander Lyadov

Someone in the company always has to know its central problem. That protects the team from wasting resources, you know, throwing stones for nothing. People can't stand boredom, so they'll come up with their own entertainment. And as long as they get paid, they'll look for cool problems and then try to solve them.

If an organization is alive, it's guaranteed to have many problems. And imagination can turn each of them into a catastrophe. But not all problems are equal. Like, a person with malaria shouldn't be worrying about shivering or sweating. Problems not only have a hierarchy, some are more important than others. The secret is, in complex systems, most problems usually stem from one core issue.

In theory, any employee, investor, or consultant can get to the core problem. But in practice, hardly anyone can do it. First of all, the current situation has to bother a person more than anything else. Secondly, they must know the business inside out, like super intimately. And thirdly, they have to understand that nobody else will handle the situation for them. You already figured out that this person is the founder.

Yours sincerely,


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