Peak Perfomance / by Alexander Lyadov

Are you familiar with that moment when approaching a problem feels tough? You walk around it in circles and almost start but then get distracted by something else. So, you manage to plow through a heap of unpleasant tasks that now become welcome. You summon willpower to make a repeated attempt. But it's like trying to connect two magnets that are facing each other with the same poles. You're expending a bunch of energy, nerves, and time in vain.

But later, you feel as if you have drunk a glass of champagne. You tackled the problem dashingly, daringly, on a spree. It was shocked by your pressure and resolved itself. What happened? After all, the complexity of the task didn't change. The context remained the same. You became different.

Your states before and after differ like at a body temperature of 104.0 and 98.6. In the first case, a person experiences a headache, and muscle aches. Sometimes he hallucinates. In short, until the mercury column drops, clear thinking is out of the question. When it comes to complex tasks, the strategy is the same — first and foremost, you need to change yourself. This means getting yourself into peak condition to provide a worthy response to chaos. For example, many wrestlers, before a championship match, diligently perform warm-up rituals and listen to special music to enter, you could say, a trance. The greater the challenge, the closer your inner state should be to perfection.

Conclusion: Your priority should not be the problem but your optimal state.

Yours sincerely,


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