Mind Reboot / by Alexander Lyadov

In the mornings, I don't get enough sleep because I don't want to let go of the fading day in the evening. But after a workout and breakfast, as soon as I sit down to work, drowsiness tries to swallow me up. I used to fight it, trying to wake up with coffee and self-talk. Besides wasting time and energy, my work effectiveness suffered. Now I do the exact opposite. As soon as drowsiness opens its jaws, I dive straight into its belly.

The workaholic mind screams in horror: "You'll crash out for a couple of hours now! Then you won't have time for anything, you'll be late everywhere, and you'll let everyone down!" And indeed, my body plunges into oblivion as soon as I find myself in the chair. Sometimes, I even see a dream. Though more often, it's a kaleidoscope of thought fragments, sensations, and memories. The mind is right about one thing – it's a true reboot.

And then comes the miracle. Diving into the depths of the subconscious, I quickly reach the bottom, push off, and resurface. The whole process usually takes 10 to 20 minutes. Turns out, the "couple of hours" is an irrational fear of the mind, a defense against the "off" mode. But what a transformation! My state before and after is like night and day. Clarity of mind, focus of attention, and a bubbling of creative forces. I eagerly dive into my work.

Sincerely yours,

- Alexander

P.S. If it's hard for you to disconnect, try wearing a sleep mask and headphones. Listen to the meditation (​Non-Sleep Deep Rest​) by Professor Andrew Huberman.

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