Leap of Faith / by Alexander Lyadov

"Wow, I really wanted to work here so badly!" I whispered after the interview in 1995. I had just finished up at the chemistry department of Kyiv University and was working at a Ukrainian-American joint venture. We made shampoos and hair dye because there was a serious shortage in the market. One of my tasks involved going through patent archives to find useful Soviet standards, as well as getting our recipes approved by officials. If that doesn't sound too sexy, well, that's exactly how it was. But I managed to extract the marrow of meaning even from this bone. The team was fantastic, and it turned out the owner had big plans for me. Plus, they paid real money for the work, which was crucial for our young family.

So, when an acquaintance from my English courses mentioned a job opening at a new international advertising agency, I didn't waste any time. At the interview, I was completely smitten – the cozy office, the trendy Macs, and the totally different vibe of the people. They were young, daring, and creative. In short, life here wasn't a quiet stream, it was bubbling with energy.

In advertising, I was a complete zero. The prospect of becoming an account manager for an English-speaking client scared me. By the way it was Ferrero, the top advertiser in Ukraine. Also it felt awkward to say goodbye to the owner who had been so kind to me. But the contrast between what I was doing and what I potentially could do was just too enormous. I didn't know HOW to make the transition, but the WHY behind it justified any risk. While my mind was still uncertain, my soul had already made its choice. I'm glad I took a leap of faith. In what? That in the end, everything will work out well. And it did.

Do you trust your instincts when life takes a sharp turn?

Sincerely yours,

- Alexander

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