Freeing Your White Pencil / by Alexander Lyadov

What's the use of a white pencil? For beginners - none. They need contrast on paper. But for an artist, a white pencil is a valuable tool. You can't create intricate images with charcoal alone. You need the whole range of colors for nuances. A true artist draws what didn't exist before them. They share their unique perspective and essence with the world. An artist won't say, "This color is bad. I don't need it." Everything has its place and time.

In life, many people reject what they have. They see something in themselves as evil, so they suppress or push it away. Many times, this comes from someone important in their life - a father, mother, grandfather, aunt, or someone else. This person had a strong impact on the child, but their image within the family was negative. The child absorbed everything but locked unwanted traits in a dungeon.

As you grow older, you'll find something missing in you. You'll want to express yourself fully, but something will persistently hold you back. What is it? It's what has always been and still is within you, but it's currently inaccessible. That dreaded trait is your white pencil. You need to study this instrument with curiosity to understand its limits and purpose. When you grasp it, you free yourself from more chains. As a result, your personality grows.

Yours sincerely,


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