The Art of Boiling / by Alexander Lyadov

As soon as water starts boiling, it doesn't get any hotter.

Further heating simply turns the liquid into vapor.

So once you reach the boiling point, you're wasting energy.

In any endeavor, it's important to know when a phase transition occurs.

At this point, the system parameters change in leaps and bounds.

Sometimes, this fact is hard for a mind seeking linearity in everything to grasp.

Novice: "If I work out three times a day, I'll become stronger."

Coach: "Not at all. Progress will plateau, and injuries will occur."

Some companies continue to invest in an already expanded bottleneck.

But if the sales process is feeble, why pump up lead generation?

Cutting costs won't help if the product has lost its appeal.

Debt shouldn't be sought until the business model is polished.

Knowing "boiling points" ensures a high return on capital.

Founders' principle: "Good enough. But not less."

One could say that entrepreneurship is the art of moderation.

Yours sincerely,


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