Polarities: a struggle or a dance? / by Alexander Lyadov

What is more important - discipline or freedom?

Collective or individual? Expansion or control?

In such dilemmas, making a choice once and for all is impossible.

The polarities depend on each other as much as they oppose.

Are you promoting one of them as good? In the end, it will turn into evil.

An excess of collectivism destroys the individual, pushing him into rebellion.

By indulging every whim of the individual, society falls apart at the seams.

Total control grants stability, but without novelty, collapse ensues.

The ultra-high speed of an unguided system is equivalent to zero.

Misunderstanding this dichotomy leads to senseless loss and pain.

People, companies, and countries jump from one extreme to another.

Is there a way out of this vicious cycle at all?

Yes, provided that our minds allow the thought that goes against pride:

Insisting on one thing, we fail to see the fullness of the picture.

In the other polarity, we must find not only the negative but also the positive.

And in our cherished position, acknowledge flaws along with virtues.

Are many willing to turn the laser of analysis inwards rather than outwards?

Yours sincerely,


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