Finder must be found / by Alexander Lyadov

I'm often asked where I find illustrations for my posts.

The secret is quite simple—they find me.

I apply the same principle when exploring new cities.

In the morning, I set myself a loose goal, like a museum or a coffee shop.

Then, I wander freely, following my curiosity.

If I stumble upon a charming market, a cozy antique shop, or a quiet church, I linger there for a while.

In this way, I collect experiences that have found me.

The intimate side of the city reveals itself, allowing me to see the beauty that is inaccessible to tourists.

In the process, I undergo a transformation, as this chain of "Wow" moments cuts, adds, or clarifies something within me.

I return home with a rich haul of personal memories.

My process of gathering illustrations follows a similar pattern.

Like a bee, I seek nectar, and the pollen naturally sticks to my body.

All that's left is to delve into my saved archives.

Yours sincerely,


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