Fix Your Position / by Alexander Lyadov

Having gained a favorable position in the battle, there's no need for you to rush.

Let your opponent worry, fuss, and waste his energy in vain.

For now, you can catch your breath while observing the growth of their despair.

In their attempt to break free, your opponent is sure to present you with a gift.

Your task will be to choose which of his vulnerabilities is easier to attack.

In a strong position, the number of alternatives increases exponentially.

When you consciously pause, space and time work in your favor, offering opportunities from good to best.

Why isn't this insight utilized everywhere by everyone?

Following the saying, people rush to forge the iron while it's hot, overlooking the accessible gold and silver within reach.

In the practice of business therapy, I often observe that entrepreneurs fail to fix their acquired position.

All too often, in both business and battles, individuals achieve a great deal only to eventually lose practically everything.

Even if business turnover is growing, the owner does not become richer.

Sooner or later, the question arises: "What's the point of all this?"

There's a risk of burning out, transferring control, or selling off the business.

In reality, all you need to do is regularly take pauses to assess and wisely manage what you already possess.

Yours sincerely,


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As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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