Linear vs. Nonlinear Process / by Alexander Lyadov

Want to reach your goals faster? Then stop running.

Yeah, it sounds unusual, but don't rush to dismiss this thought.

Acceleration is only appropriate on straight stretches of road.

By the way, that's why there are no speed limits on some highways.

But in business, it is only trainees and managers who have many highways.

The path of a CEO is more like a goat trail through a snowy ridge.

It happened not because a leader seeks dangerous adventures.

Simply put, there are no treasures where tourists wander in crowds.

The maximum potential lies where no human foot has stepped before.

"That's why the discovery of new lands is the prerogative of founders."

Such an expedition is a nonlinear process where speed is secondary.

When the possibilities are limitless, it's foolish to hurry.

If the asphalt ends, it's important to slow down and look around.

An attempt to run (out of linear habit) will end tragically.

But your vigilance and openness to novelty will be generously rewarded.

Your business is currently being reimagined for the next stage of growth.

Yours sincerely,


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