Beyond the Obvious / by Alexander Lyadov

When the downpour has already begun, there is no point in running.

Because of your speed, you will collect raindrops faster.

However, the risk of slipping and sprawling in a puddle will be much higher.

The time to hurry was earlier, when it seemed, "Could there be a storm?"

Now you can relax and walk around quietly and casually.

Firstly, you stand out advantageously from the bewildered crowd.

Secondly, discomfort subsides when willingly embraced.

Thirdly, you can ponder slowly why this happened.

After all, intuition was right, but you habitually discounted its signal.

Yes, the signs were vague, and yes, the forecast didn't promise rain.

As usual, the mind demanded clear forms and solid evidence.

Well, it got everything, soaked clothes won't let it lie.

Writers, hunters, and entrepreneurs trust their gut.

They know the secret — everything explicit was once implicit.

For them, potential is as real as any physical object.

That's why they react when there seems to be nothing to everyone else.

So what distinguishes a founder from a manager? Trusting the gut.

Yours sincerely,


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