The Curse of Pride in Business / by Alexander Lyadov

Many religions agree that pride is the source of all sins.

In business, such terms aren't popular, but the essence remains the same.

A person is convinced that the world revolves solely around him (or her).

Everything and everyone around either threatens or contributes to self-elevation.

As a result, we witness the phenomenon of local optimization.

Company resources are mis-spent, mis-allocated and mis-directed.

The CMO forms alliances and hatches plans to defeat the CFO.

The CEO squanders shareholders' profits on ideological initiatives.

While co-founders bicker, their market share is devoured by the competition.

Business withers when local needs overshadow global goals.

Through pride, a person destroys both his surroundings and eventually himself.

The remedy for pride is humility (not to be confused with self-deprecation).

It's a sincere recognition that there is something greater above you.

A smart manager asks the boss to explain the purpose of an order: "Why?".

Instead of trying to push a product, a salesperson clarifies the customer's needs.

Taking care of the business, a mature founder creates a board of directors.

Personal interests are not in conflict, but are part of a global context.

By "forgetting" oneself, a person attains true security.

Besides, now he is in sync with the system's superpower. A paradox.

Yours sincerely,


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