Surgery vs. Rehabilitation / by Alexander Lyadov

A rehabilitation specialist saves a surgeon's reputation. Interesting thought, right?

Imagine a patient undergoing knee surgery. Upon discharge, the surgeon advises a course of physiotherapy. But, deep down, the patient believes the main work is already done. So, he or she dives into their daily activities, ignoring the doctor's advice. Six months later, the patient complains the operation didn't work.

Five days after my release, I went to see a ​rehabilitation specialist​. He surprised me: "You could start the procedures and exercises as early as the next day." Inside the knee, there are no blood vessels. Instead, the cartilage gets its nourishment from synovial fluid. Under load, fluid seeps from the depths of the cartilage to lubricate. Otherwise, the fluid goes back in. By leading a sedentary lifestyle after the surgery, the patients are harming themselves. It's also crucial to strengthen the muscles and ligaments above and below the knee. This speeds up its recovery and protects the knee from new injuries.

For two weeks now, I've been training with the rehabilitation specialist. I'm doing unfamiliar exercises—from balancing and lunges to electrostimulation and self-massage. After the check-up, the surgeon felt content. And I must admit, I'm amazed by the results. Even in my youth, my muscles were never this strong and well-developed. A single thought haunts my peace. If I had loaded my legs like this before, I probably would not have needed the surgery in the first place.

Yours sincerely,


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