Crystallization of Meaning / by Alexander Lyadov

"Describe inquiry to me," is usually how I kickstart the initial business therapy session.

The entrepreneur opens up about what brought him (or her) to me. I listen without interruption. After twenty minutes, he admits that his story comes across as vague. I reassure him, "That's perfectly normal. Happens quite often."

The situation appears clear as long as it stays within us. The solution might not be present yet, but we're already acquainted with the problem, right? It's as though all we need to do is pinpoint a specific tool, approach, or method. This is where time and resources frequently go to waste, akin to searching for a black cat in a dark room. Thanks to Confucius, we know it wasn't there in the first place.

We truly grasp our own thoughts only when someone lends an ear. Even better if the listener mirrors back the essence of what we hinted at. The ideal scenario is when this cycle repeats multiple times. Consequently, the genuine inquiry takes shape. How do I know this?

At that instant, your mood lifts, energy surges, and you experience some relief. Why? Because your intuition senses progress. Now, you're on the hunt for the key in the exact spot where you lost it.

Yours sincerely,


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”Who are you and what do you do?"
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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