Solidifying Transformation / by Alexander Lyadov

"Thank you. You're absolutely right. Your reports are like fine brandy. A year or two down the road, they only get more valuable," a client replied to my analytical report. It's heartening to hear that because I've poured a lot of effort into it. If a transformation session lasts a day, writing the report takes up to two, or even three days.

You'd think the main action happens when we work on the client's request together. During the session, we jot down insights on the whiteboard and in notebooks, capture successful graphs and diagrams in photos. As the name suggests, a transformation occurs during the session with the client. At the very least, we manage to loosen his (or her) familiar worldview. That's when the seeds of new ideas find fertile ground. Ideally, the founder starts seeing himself and his business in an entirely different light. Even if he attempts to go back to their old ways, he can't unsee this new perspective. It's like briefly turning on the light in a dark room – now sooner or later, you'll find your way out.

However, the more significant the transformation, the harder it is to grasp what exactly has happened to you. You need to build a conceptual bridge between your old and new states. That's why, for instance, we want to rewatch videos of remarkable events over and over again. And I revisit notes from books that blew my mind every year. Each time, the resolution improves, much like loading a large image file on a computer.

The process resembles analog photography, where, after developing the photographic materials, you need a fixing solution. Otherwise, under visible light after a while, the image turns entirely black. In business therapy, the report plays the role of the fixer. It describes how and why you've transformed from state A to state B, and whaе held you back. So, it doesn't surprise me when clients say, "You know, I read your report from last year, and suddenly I realized that...". The seed planted long ago not only grew into a tree but continues to bear fruit.

Sincerely yours,


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”Who are you and what do you do?"
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

"I have an important business decision to make. Can you help me?
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