Meaningful Sacrifice / by Alexander Lyadov

In a noble endeavor, you invest a lot, and your soul sings along.

But if there’s no benefit, it’s painful to lose even a few cents.

The worst is when scammers take advantage of your kindness.

Here, the meaning doesn’t just vanish; it gets a negative sign.

Hence, the sum of your expenses is not that important.

What truly matters is the answer to the question: “For what purpose?”

Friends, family, and authorities won’t help you here.

Why? Because meaning is inherently personal.

Remember this if you’re unsure about parting with something of value.

That something could be your effort, time, money, or assumptions.

The sacrifice must be worth it, your doubts suggest.

Sincerely yours,


P.S. What do you not regret, even though you paid a high price for it?

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