Speak Up / by Alexander Lyadov

The democratization of media has handed each of us a super lever.

It doesn't require anyone's permission, and it's absolutely free.

It would seem, build your expert brand and promote your business.

But some founders hesitate to speak and write publicly.

They say, "I'm not wise, famous, or successful enough yet."

The subtext: "My publications won't be of much value to people."

I reply, "That's not for you to decide. Let Mr. Market figure it out."

The problem here is that people are excessively focused on themselves

It's a subtle form of pride when the ego demands guarantees and control.

They believe their ideas are both brilliant and insignificant at the same time.

Silence is a way to preserve the first without risking the second.

Of course, it's all a mind game; reality is quite different.

First of all, every founder already has something to say.

Entrepreneurship offers a unique perspective on people and business.

Secondly, lessons of failure are more valuable than success stories.

If there's one thing every founder has in abundance, it's that.

Thirdly, no one can predict how your words will resonate.

Your job is to sow seeds honestly, avoiding rocky soil.

If you've done everything you should, one day, there will be a harvest.

Isn't that how your business once emerged and prospered?

Sincerely yours,


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