Empathy's Paradox / by Alexander Lyadov

To empathetic folks, talking about safeguarding their boundaries can be tough.

When they say "No," it's as if they're castrating another person.

Their caring hearts naturally want to embrace, understand, and warm everyone.

The issue is that there's just one heart, and millions crave its warmth.

Without sensing their own limits, empaths burn out, slowly but surely.

But this isn't the end of the story.

Inevitably, resentment simmers in their hearts due to injustice.

All this time, he (or she) secretly hoped someone would notice his pain.

Unfortunately, no one cried out, "You're ruining him. Leave him in peace!"

So gradually, the kind heart transforms into something quite bitter.

This bewilders him because he never saw himself as mean.

The misconception lies in believing in pure goodness without a hint of evil.

In the Yin and Yang symbol, they'd paint all the black completely white.

But without contrast, white blends into the background and loses its meaning.

Without maintained boundaries, one's identity dissolves like a jellyfish in the sun.

The paradox is that a drop of evil allows good to exist.

For instance, a fierce guard dog successfully protects the sheep from wolves.

Distrust and aggression towards enemies, but obedience to the owner.

Without the shepherd dog, the owner's kind heart becomes a delicacy

So what happens when there's a strong boundary defender within?

Love for deserving people becomes more genuine and profound.

Sincerely yours,


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