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The more chaos around, the sharper the need for simplicity. Examples include natural disasters, fires, or wars. The "What to do?" guide should be crystal clear.
Even making a move like "E2-E4" becomes tough when your mind is drowning in adrenaline. On the flip side, nonsense easily multiplies in safety and prosperity.
It's surprising how many bad decisions managers can hide behind super margins. Natural monopoly or a founder's patent creates a resilience that later generations can't break.
Of course, this holiday won't last forever. So, wise founders willingly limit themselves. They consciously create healthy tension in the company when the rest of the team wants to rest on their laurels.
For instance, they set new super-ambitious goals, withdraw excess money from corporate accounts, and introduce a target return rate for all investment projects.
In doing so, founders move the company to the "cutting edge." It's the border where "terra incognita" unfolds. Taking a voluntary step into chaos sharply raises the stakes. The only chance to survive here is to be clear-thinking, healthy, and strong.
In this way, necessary simplicity inside comes to answer complexity outside.
Sincerely yours,
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