Return on Effort / by Alexander Lyadov

Every day, there are two things I'm not eager to do.

It's the morning workout (jiu-jitsu, kettlebells, or mace) and the evening ice bath.

Yet, every time, I end up grateful that I overcame the barrier.

Moreover, even what I love doesn't just happen on its own.

For example, it takes some effort to start writing an article.

What do these examples have in common?

The reward comes later in exchange for making sacrifices now.

This is different from leisure, entertainment, and indulging in tasty things.

There, pleasure doesn't require tension and there is immediate reward.

And all would be fine if these pleasures didn't wear off quickly.

So, we're left with only working on either the numerator (reward) or the denominator (price).

Firstly, seek unique opportunities where modest efforts yield colossal results.

Secondly, choose tasks that personally mean a lot to you. Where others falter and give up, some force will pull you forward.

Thirdly, engage in what you are naturally inclined towards. Then, what may seem like torture to others will be manageable work for you.

Sincerely yours,


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