Beyond Instincts / by Alexander Lyadov

The documentary film "​Chimp Empire​" on Netflix is filled with insights. The authors managed to create the effect of your presence in the pack.

Whether the animals were full of trust or simply didn't care about humans, the quality, angles, and intimacy of the footage are beyond praise.

The most astonishing part is our resemblance to chimpanzees.
We share common traits, such as:
- Learning survival skills,
- Craving acceptance in society,
- Climbing to the top of the hierarchy,
- Protecting and expanding our territory,
- Forming alliances in the struggle for power,
- Strengthening trust through caring for each other,
- Tearing apart those we consider outsiders, and so on.

Instead of grooming for fleas, humans use gossip. And for killing, it's technological weapons instead of bare hands.

The only thing that sets us apart is the ability to choose.

Behaving like an animal is instinctive, familiar, and straightforward. Millions of years have carved deep neural pathways in our brains.

However, we possess the capacity to act differently if we so choose.

It's a realm not of survival instinct and calculated advantage but of paradoxical spirit. The same spirit that overcomes the restless mind and fragile flesh.

Life offers us this choice many times every day. As the Austrian zoologist and zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz said, "I have found the missing link between the higher ape and civilized man; it is we."

Sincerely yours,


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