Your Roots and Crown / by Alexander Lyadov

Trees strive to maintain a balance between their roots and crowns.

So, if groundwater kills some roots, the crown shrinks.

Imagine you like the 'beauty' of fruits, but the 'dirt' of roots repels you.

Then try to eliminate the 'evil' that lurks underground.

Your intentions are good, but alas, you no longer have the tree.

Conclusion: we must be careful not to disturb the invisible balance.

But what's said is true for individuals, meaning you and me.

Inside us, there's what we adore and what we despise.

Of course, we try to deny, distort, and repress the latter.

This struggle not only lacks sense but also harms us a lot.

Instead of Light vs. Darkness, it's Crown vs. Roots.

But if something exists, it means it has a certain function.

True, in our ignorance, we don't even entertain this thought.

And what if, out of scientific curiosity, we change our strategy?

The goal is to study the nature, function, and habits of this 'evil.'

You might be surprised:

  • Underground holds your backup fuel tank.

  • The detested part of your personality sometimes saves you.

  • Self-exploration is not a diminishment, it is an enrichment.

"No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell," said the wise psychiatrist Carl Jung.

Sincerely yours,


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