Precious Trivialities / by Alexander Lyadov

I never knew marathon runners tape their nipples. To understand why, search online for photos of their shirts with bloodstains.

Every field has its nuances that aren't obvious to beginners. But for someone who has been practicing for years, every step begins with a mandatory ritual.

A judoka strengthens vulnerable finger joints with an "exoskeleton".

A financial advisor first determines the client's risk profile.

A surgeon uses a checklist of important actions before and after surgery.

An advertiser presents the client with three design options, not just one.

I have clubs made in the USA and China. They look similar—both are pieces of steel. After 4 sets of 20 repetitions, my hands feel comfortable with the former. But with the latter, a blister starts to form.

These seemingly small details ultimately decide who wins or loses. Whether it's Wall Street, firefighting, or the Olympics, the real battle is where nobody looks.

Basic knowledge can be learned from books and lectures. But the most valuable lessons come from years of trial and error within a framework that is passed down as tacit knowledge from master to neophyte.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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