Biblical Marxism / by Alexander Lyadov

Why hasn't Marxism disappeared? After all, the attempts to achieve social equality through revolution have already led to 100 million innocent deaths in the China, Cambodia, and USSR.

Like a chameleon, Marxism today changes its clothes, updates its terms, and captivates the minds of a new generation of revolutionaries. And once again, a chorus sings familiar words:

"We will destroy this world of violence
Down to the foundations, and then
We will build our new world,
Who was nothing will become everything!"

If a phenomenon is so inexhaustible, its roots lie deep in ancient times.

Marxism is the embodiment of Cain's spirit.

(The irony here is that the classics of Marxism-Leninism tried to scientifically justify atheism.)

The story: Two brothers, the shepherd Abel and the farmer Cain, made sacrifices to God. God accepted the first but rejected the second. This filled Cain with jealousy and anger. Despite God's warning, Cain couldn't control himself. He invited Abel to the field and killed him there.

Even if a man has worked hard and long, he can end up with nothing due to circumstances beyond his control. More so if he has lied to himself and others—slacking off, pretending, and cutting corners.

The lazier, more arrogant, and self-centered a person is, the more likely he is to be tempted by the idea: "The world is corrupt. Some have everything, and others (like me) have nothing. Justice must be restored. And I know how!"

Biblical stories are the distillation of many generations' experiences. They concentrate the essence of what it means to be human.

In other words, inside each of us are both Abel and Cain. That's why this ancient story repeats itself again and again. There are countless examples in any organization, country, or continent.

Life hurts us and gives us choices. We can be tempted by envy toward another, play the victim, and find a way to punish him. The alternative is to honestly ask ourselves: "Where did I fall short?"

Sincerely yours,


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As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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