How to Break the Cycle? / by Alexander Lyadov

For me, the movie "​Groundhog Day​" from 1993 stands apart. Despite the light and playful plot, it holds a world of meaning.

Cynical Phil is stuck in a time loop. Every day repeats itself. His attempts to influence people or circumstances lead nowhere. Even suicide doesn’t bring freedom. Isn't that hell?

Phil has no choice but to accept his powerlessness to change anything in this "cursed" world. Out of despair, he focuses on what he can control — working on himself.

Phil learns many new skills - piano playing, French speaking, medicine and ice sculpting. He helps others — old ladies with a broken-down car, a boy falling from a tree, a choking man, and a homeless old man.

In other words, Phil loses himself in deeds and people, forgetting about himself.

As Phil transforms, his entire world changes. People he meets thank him, Rita responds to his affection, and the curse vanishes in a night of love. In the morning, a different kind of day begins.

If it seems like the universe is conspiring against you, that there's no future and your life is stuck in place, watch "Groundhog Day" again. Maybe it will show you how to act when you're at a dead end.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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