Hierarchy of Illusions / by Alexander Lyadov

During the peak of the COVID pandemic, one phenomenon struck me. People boasted about the type of vaccine they managed to get.

Amidst the chaos, with conflicting information and an uncertain future, they would make it clear to everyone around: "You guys are fools! But I'm the smart one!"

To them, the difference between vaccine X and Y was as vast as the difference between a Chinese-made replica of Prada and an authentic Hermes.

It seems the reason lies in the desire to belittle others to boost one's own ego. But I suspect the real reason is something else.

Everyone fears death, and no one can escape it. But that comes later. Here and now, even chimpanzees know that being at the bottom of the social pyramid is far more dangerous than being at the top.

That's why a person is ready to create a system of illusory value within which he is supposedly protected. The exclusivity of vaccine Y makes its owner seem invincible. Sadly, crowns didn't save kings from the bubonic plague.

In essence, our entire culture is designed to shield us from our fear of looming uncertainty that we can't comprehend. We can distract ourselves with a comedy or a novel or dive into our work.

But humanity has also found a more effective way out than sweet self-deception. It involves changing our attitude towards death itself—from recognizing its value for life's renewal to finding a meaning that transcends our brief existence on Earth.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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