Clash of Ideas / by Alexander Lyadov

The art of living includes the knowledge of dosage. Take any phenomenon—it can either empower us or destroy us.

Say, an intense conflict rising from an uncontrolled argument.

Would we like to live without conflicts? Of course. Can society thrive without arguments? Absolutely not.

None of us holds a monopoly on wisdom. If history teaches us anything, it's that even the smartest people behave like fools.

The island of knowledge we rely on is so small. Beyond it, whether we dig into the earth, the matter, or time, we are surrounded by mysteries.

Our main weapon against the unknown is the hypothesis, the concept, the model. We propose and test ideas for their strength. Ideas are like ice floes—as long as they support our weight, they are valuable.

But testing ideas in reality is expensive, dangerous, and time-consuming. It's better to organize Darwinian self-selection—a kind of Olympics of ideas. "The purpose of thinking is to let the ideas die instead of us dying," said mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead.

Oh, the passions that boil in the final clash of any sport! It's not just athletes competing, but also preparation strategies, coaching schools, and the ideologies of nations.

The same process happens in science, politics, culture, and everyday life. Inside you, debates and battles occur day and night. Each competing idea promises, "Only I can save you!"

Such uncomfortable heat is an acceptable price for selecting the most viable plans, ideas, and projects. Wisdom is not in suppressing "dangerous" debates but in being an honest referee.

When there is someone who enforces a reasonable set of laws and rules, the participants can express their intellect, will, aggressiveness, creativity, and so on. They can fully realize their potential for the benefit of themselves and everyone.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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