Sprouts of Freedom / by Alexander Lyadov

Unknown artist

Sometimes, I look at a sixteen-year-old wrestler and think, "In the next couple of decades, he'll grow in every way. His strength, endurance, and skills will improve every day."

I can't say the same about the prospects for my own body.

Then I remember my life from age 16 to 36 and chuckle: "Man, I was so naive back then! I made so many mistakes. I put obstacles in my own path and missed the most obvious things."

Of course, I still regularly fall flat on my face. But now, at least, I either have a hunch that I'm about to do something stupid, or I immediately realize my screw-up.

Now I live more in reality, whereas before I lived in a dream.

Dreams can be intense, fascinating, and realistic. But they lack a sense of agency—the ability to make conscious and free choices, to act independently, or at least to understand when that's not the case.

Freedom is tightly intertwined with meaning, but personal, not someone else's. Finding it requires an enormous effort. Yet losing it is so easy, with deceivers circling around us with their false ideas.

The power of a seducer lies in the immaturity of the victim. So, to be fooled less often by others, we must start lying less to ourselves. When sweet illusions melt away, what's left is solid ground, even if it's dirty.

I cherish the inner seeds of freedom, truth, and meaning. They are still fragile and barely noticeable. And they might never grow into a mighty oak forest. But compared to these, my youth, strength, power, success, or wealth are such nonsense!

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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