Own Your Experience / by Alexander Lyadov

Underneath me, the pines rustled and swayed. Ahead, an endless horizon stretched out. My body turned cottony, and my stomach knotted up. A thought spun in my head: "One step separates me from..." It felt like in a few moments I'd be ready to bungee jump.

Suddenly, someone nearby shouted, "Ready?" and without waiting for my answer, commanded, "Five... four... three... two... one... Go!" My mind had time to protest, but my body had already taken the leap into the void.

Later, friends congratulated me, but I was really mad. Maybe the bungee staff wanted to help, have fun, or just go home. Unfortunately, they stole my jump.

So, the next morning, I went back and leaped again. This time, I warned them that I'd be up there as long as I needed. When the moment arrived, I confidently jumped. With every fiber, I felt freedom, meaning, and joy. This experience was 100% mine.

Over 22 years have passed since then, but I remember that lesson. It's easy to succumb to threats or temptations and do what someone (external or internal) wants you to do. Yes, formally, you'll achieve and gain accolades. But can you honestly say you did it? And if not, whose life are you living—yours or someone else's?

Sincerely yours,


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